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Bernard russet was born in Houston texas on November 5th 1961. Bernard had a dream of owning his own Christian radio station which was birth in him in a vision when he was 9 years old. 

He finished from MB undefined High headed to serve his country in the United States Marines until 1984. Coming back to Houston, and getting re-established in 2002, bernard began to use his time,, pleasure to go after the vision of God reaffirmed in him to touch thousands as he accomplished this as he partnered with other Ministries first as a Christian rapper and then as a minister as he show the love of God to people with an emphasis on the youth 

As a rapper serving of God / DJ Holy Ghost, he albums and wrapped about the love of God through crunk radio which he established in 2002. During this. Trying to fulfill the dream of God gave him as he supported Youth and local communities through Outreach and Ministry events via television and radio. He was the president and founder of Rhema gospel radio Inc formerly since 2003. 2007 he became the CEO and founder of Rhema word television. 

Later in life he came to KnoW and love pastor Deborah Baker. One whom God had prompted him and knowing that she was his wife. For a. of about he waited to be her husband. In 2000 the year 2021 they joined in matrimony.

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